Governance of AI in the Military Domain: How Global Practices Shape Norms
Video Recording
Date and Location
This talk will took place from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Thursday, October 24, 2024 in WCC 3016.
Armed forces around the world are developing and using AI technologies for military purposes, including in weapon systems and decision support systems. In the absence of specific, international legal regulations on AI in the military domain, these global practices of developing, training personnel for, and using military systems integrating AI and autonomous technologies are crucial to examine because they have the potential to shape norms on the use of force. This presentation will cover some of these practices (with empirical examples), their normative implications, and potential ways forward in addressing these challenges via governance frameworks. The presentation is based on research conducted as part of the European Research Council funded project AutoNorms.
About the Speakers
Dr. Ingvild Bode is Professor of International Relations at the University of Southern Denmark and Director of the Center for War Studies. Her research examines processes of normative change, especially with regard to the use of force and AI technologies in the military domain. Her work has been published in various international journals, such as European Journal of International Relations, Ethics and Information Technology, Review of International Studies, and Cooperation and Conflict. She is the Principal Investigator of three externally funded research projects: (1) AutoNorms: Weaponised Artificial Intelligence, Norms, and Order (08/2020-07/2026) and (2) AutoPractices: Practices to Sustain and Strengthen Human Agency in the Military Domain (06/2024-12/2025), both funded by the European Research Council, as well as (3) HuMach: Human-Machine Interaction in Military Applications of AI (08/2024-07/2028), funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. Ingvild serves as the co-chair of the IEEE Research Group on AI and Autonomy for Defence Systems and as an expert member on the Global Commission on Responsible AI in the Military Domain.
Dr. Anna Nadibaidze is a researcher for the European Research Council funded AutoNorms and AutoPractices projects based at the Center for War Studies, University of Southern Denmark. She holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Southern Denmark. Her research explores, among other issues, AI technologies in international relations and security, as well as governance and arms control of AI in the military domain. Her work has been published in journals such as Contemporary Security Policy, Ethics and Information Technology, and the Journal of International Relations and Development.
Dinner will be provided.