Series on Careers in Public International Law with Mona Ali Khalil
Time and date
February 10, 2021 from noon to 1 PM Eastern on Zoom. This event is open only to current HLS students and staff.
Advanced registration required
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About the speaker
Mona Ali Khalil is the Director of MAK LAW INTERNATIONAL, which provides legal training and strategic advice to Governments and intergovernmental organizations in the service of “We the Peoples.” She is a public international lawyer with more than 20 years of UN service including as a Senior Legal Officer in the United Nations Office of the Legal Counsel and in the International Atomic Energy Agency. She has a unique combination of experience and expertise in the UN Security Council’s efforts to maintain international peace and security including peacekeeping, sanctions, counter-terrorism and disarmament. During her career, she also served on successive special assignments including serving as Legal Adviser to the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on post-Saddam Iraq; Legal Adviser to the UN Support Mission in post-Qaddafi Libya; Legal Adviser to the UN Mission to Investigate the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria and Legal Adviser to the Joint UN-OPCW Mission to Eliminate the Syrian Chemical Weapons Program. She is an Affiliate of the Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict and a Lecturer at the Vienna Diplomatic Academy. She has a BA in Government and an MA in Middle East Studies from Harvard University as well as an MS in Foreign Service and a Juris Doctorate from Georgetown University.
About the series
The HLS PILAC series on careers in public international law, scheduled for Spring of 2021, is intended to showcase current and former practitioners in the field of public international law. Invited speakers will take part in an informal interview with HLS PILAC faculty or staff. Current HLS students will also be invited to ask questions pertaining to the speaker’s career or current work at the end of the discussion. The events will be scheduled for 60 minutes and will be conducted via Zoom’s video meeting system. The events will not be recorded. The events in this series are open only to current Harvard Law School students and staff.
Convened by the Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict and the HLS Comparative and International Law Program of Study.