Photo credit: OEA - OAS, “Inauguration of CICTE 2013 Regular Session,” CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Organization of American States Inter-American Committee against Terrorism




The Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism (CICTE) was established in 1999 by the Organization of American States’ General Assembly by resolution AG/RES.1650 (XXIX-O/99) as an endorsement of the recommendations and decisions of the Commitment of Mar Del Plata. The CICTE’s mission is to facilitate and encourage member states’ cooperation in the prevention, opposition and elimination of terrorism. The CICTE operates within the principles of the OAS Charter and the Inter-American Convention Against Terrorism. The CICTE annually meets to provide a forum among member states for counterterrorism issues, measures, and cooperation. Appointed by the OAS Secretary General, the CICTE Secretariat provides member states with technical assistance and training to aid the ratification and implementation of international legal instruments against terrorism—including UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001), the Inter-American Convention against Terrorism (IACAT), and 18 (other) multilateral legal instruments, as well as other relevant international standards, into national legislation. The CICTE engages in programs including border controls, critical infrastructure protection, international cooperation and partnership, legislative assistance and combating terrorism financing, and strengthening strategies on emerging terrorist threats.


All 35 independent states of the Americas have ratified the OAS Charter and are members of the Organization. The OAS currently has 70 Permanent Observers.


Entry drafted by PILAC Research Assistant Carson Cook, with research support from PILAC RA Svitlana Starosvit. Entry last updated: February 2015.