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Latin American and Caribbean Community of Police Intelligence

Latin American and Caribbean Community of Police Intelligence

The Latin American and Caribbean Community of Police Intelligence (CLACIP)—an organization of Latin American and Caribbean law enforcement intelligence agencies from 28 countries—collaborates on programs, training, and conferences that promote the exchange of ideas, investigative techniques, and specific crime-related information to bolster anti-crime and counterterrorism efforts. Photo credit: Policía Nacional de los colombianos, “X Conferencia Regional de la Asociación Internacional de Jefes de Policía,” CC BY-SA 2.0.

Mercosur’s Working Group on Terrorism

Mercosur’s Working Group on Terrorism

Mercosur’s Terrorism Working Group was established in 1999; later, the Working Group was joined by a Permanent Working Group, which employs experts in foreign affairs, finance, experts in intelligence, antiterrorism, secret services, and justice ministers of the Mercosur full members to coordinate efforts against regional terrorist threats. Photo credit: Cancillería del Ecuador, “Inauguración de la XLIII Cumbre de Jefes y Jefas de Estado del MERCOSUR y Estados Asociados,” CC BY-SA 2.0.