• WCC 3007 Harvard Law School (map)
  • 1585 Massachusetts Ave
  • Cambridge, MA, 02138
  • United States


Examining Recent Legal and Policy Developments at the United Nations Security Council concerning Technology and Counterterrorism


Tuesday, April 10th, 2018, from noon to 1:00 p.m.; lunch will be provided.


WCC 3007


An informal discussion over lunch hosted by the Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict, this event will focus on recent legal and policy developments at the United Nations Security Council concerning technology and counterterrorism, including Resolution 2396 (2017). In Resolution 2396, the U.N. Security Council made several decisions concerning such matters as detection through “advance passenger information” (API) systems of certain forms of travel of “foreign terrorist fighters”; development of capabilities related to the use of passenger name record (PNR) data in preventing, detecting, and investigating terrorist offenses and related travel; development of terrorist watch lists or databases to screen travelers and conduct risk assessments and investigations; and development and implementation of biometric-data collection systems to identify terrorists. This event will examine various aspects of those and related issues, such as implications for the U.N. and for Member States as well as the (potential) role(s) of academia in this context. The event will feature Dr. David Scharia, Director, Chief of Branch, ‎United Nations Security Council – Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED).

Image credit: UN Photo/Evan Schneider.
