Photo credit: UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe.

Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004)


1540 Committee


In 2004, the Security Council adopted Resolution 1540, which requires member states to take measures to prevent non-state actors from acquiring or using nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons. The resolution also created the 1540 Committee, which oversees the implementation of the resolution. Resolution 1540 initially created the 1540 Committee to exist for two years, but its mandate has been extended by subsequent resolutions and currently extends until 2021. The most recent extension of its mandate, contained in Resolution 1977, calls on the committee to continue to provide technical assistance to member states; to collect information on states’ implementation of the resolution; and to facilitate collaboration between states and international and regional organizations to share best practices.


The Committee is made up of the 15 members of the Security Council.


Entry last updated: February 2015.
