Call for Research Assistant applications from current HLS students for part-time positions in Fall 2024.
Call for Research Assistant applications from current HLS students for part-time positions in Fall 2024.
Call for Research Assistant applications from current HLS students for part-time positions in Fall 2023.
Call for Research Assistant applications from current HLS students for part-time positions in Spring 2023.
Call for Research Assistant applications from eligible current HLS students for part-time positions in Fall 2022.
Call for Research Assistant applications from eligible current HLS students for part-time positions in fall 2021.
Call for Research Assistant applications from eligible current HLS students for full-time positions in Summer 2021.
Call for Research Assistant applications from eligible current HLS students.
Call for Research Assistant applications from eligible current HLS students.
Call for Research Assistant applications from eligible HLS students.
Call for Research Assistant applications from HLS students who are 2L or 3L J.D. candidates, LL.M. candidates, or S.J.D. candidates.
Call for Research Assistant applications from HLS students who are 2L or 3L J.D. candidates, LL.M. candidates, or S.J.D. candidates.
Call for Research Assistant applications from rising HLS students
Call for applications from current HLS students to participate in a case-study prototype concerning civilian protection in partnered warfare. IImage credit: Felicito Rustique, Jr., Flickr, License: CC BY 2.0.
Call for Research Assistant applications for the CHE Project from current HLS students.
Call for Research Assistant applications from current HLS students
Call for applications for the PILAC summer 2017 internship for current HLS students.
Call for RA applications from current HLS students
The Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict is seeking to hire a full-time summer intern. Exposed to some of the foremost challenges in the changing contemporary strategic environment, the PILAC summer intern will gain valuable experience performing high-level international law and policy research.
The Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict invites applications from current HLS students to join the Program’s new roster of “on call” research assistants.
PILAC is hosting a series of “I.H.L.athons.” Photo credit: Sebastiaan ter Burg, “Wikimedia Hackathon 2013, Amsterdam,” Flickr, CC BY 2.0.